Exercise to increase male ability

Usually men over 40 have potency problems. Sometimes this can happen even at an earlier age. However, you don't need to panic right away and start taking the pill in handfuls. There are other ways to increase potency that can be used at home.


man annoyed by poor performance how to increase exercise

First of all, you need to understand the causes of male decline. This could be due to an error:

  • stress, nervous shock, prolonged depression;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • bad habits;
  • metabolic problems;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • structural abnormalities or other physical pathologies of the genital organs.

All these causes have a certain effect on male fertility, so you should try to eliminate them.


It has been suggested that sport does not have a very favorable effect on male strength. However, this is not entirely true. After all, the main thing in this business is not quantity, but quality. That is, you don't need to go to the gym all day, don't give your body a break, but just do it methodically with high quality. After that, a small amount of time will be enough for a man to restore his potency.

Of course, there are some sports that do not have a positive effect but, on the contrary, can make the situation worse. Including:

  • Ride a horse;
  • Ride bicycle;
  • and those species that have an adverse effect on the pelvic organs.

Additionally, strength training, in which men also take any steroid medication, would not be beneficial. The fact is that the hormone testosterone in this case is less produced, which leads not to an increase, but to a decrease in potency.

But exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the spine, glutes, and thighs are worth paying attention to. In addition, stretching exercises are very useful. Yoga will also give a very good result.


effective exercise

Exercises to restore potency are not complicated at all. Enough half an hour for classes every day to increase potency. They can be done even at home and do not need special emulators.


  • Go for a walk. This exercise is done in one place. In this case, the leg should be raised high enough for the knee to press against the abdomen. The back should be straight.
  • The second version of this exercise looks like this: Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. You need to start walking on the spot, but at the same time can only tear the heel of the shoe off the floor. The toes cannot be moved. In this case, the knee should push forward as much as possible, while gradually increasing the speed of the movement.
  • Another exercise that improves strength is as follows: Stand with feet shoulder width apart. It is necessary to strongly stretch the gluteal muscles, imagining that it is necessary to hold an object between them.
  • Such a simple and rather old exercise as a "bridge" also works to increase male strength. You need to lie on a hard surface, with your legs bent and against the floor, and your arms along your body. Next, you need to raise your pelvis and stay in this position for a few seconds. Take some approach.
  • A bike. This exercise is also performed while lying down. You need to lie on your back, straighten your arms along the body and perform movements with your legs, mimicking movements performed when riding a bicycle. Such an exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the male reproductive system, but also on the intestinal tract. In addition, it also helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen.

There are also exercises that must be performed to strengthen the muscles. Eg:

  • You need to lie on the floor, knees bent and shoulder width apart. Next, the man should feel the muscle between the testicles and the anus. It needs to be tightened and loosened. Tension can be checked by probing this area with your finger. In addition, you need to control and relax the glutes.
  • And one more exercise from this area: a man sitting in a chair, his back straight. Next, you need to imagine something scattered on the chair, and try to suck it in with the muscles located between the anus and the testicles. The buttocks must be relaxed.
  • Squats also have a useful effect, but they must be done correctly. To do this move, the man places his feet shoulder-width apart and tenses his glutes. Then, slowly begin to squat, you need to linger for a few seconds at the bottom. Then you need to slowly rise up. You need to do this exercise 20 times. The glutes must be in constant tension.
  • On the basis of squatting also perform the following exercise: Put your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Then the man begins to squat, and you need to stop when the butt is slightly above the knee. After stopping in this position, the man should slowly move the pelvis forward - to exhale and back - to inhale. Execution speed may vary. This exercise should be done at least 10 times in one approach.

As you can see, the exercises are quite simple and do not require much physical training. If you want, you can find many videos on the Internet with instructions on how to do gymnastics properly.


However, it is still worth following some rules when implementing them. Here they are:

  • the load should be gradually increased, and at the same time it is not necessary to make sudden movements so as not to cause harm;
  • you need to start classes with a small number of repetitions;
  • you need to do such exercises twice a day.

In addition, it is necessary to try to give up bad habits, stay in the fresh air more often. In the hot season, exercises can be done in nature, which will add strength and mood.

If a man has a sedentary job, then from time to time you need to take a short break, during which you should take a short walk.

It is worth paying attention to your diet, it will be useful. Eating too much and loving spicy, fried and fatty foods will not bring good results.

And, of course, a positive attitude is very important. If a man gives up and does not hope for anything, the result cannot be satisfied. Most likely there will be no cases. But with great aspiration and belief in yourself, you can achieve very good results and enhance your abilities.